Thursday, September 9, 2010


On the first day of college I learned that all the recent American presidents are idiots, that puppet shows are better left for television, and that playing volleyball with a bunch of people who know each other from high school when you don't know them can be totally and completely frustrating and unfun even when you win. On the second day of college I learned how to go incognito and the art of blending in in front of an intramural gym full of people, that spray paint does not work best on a windy day, and that if you are going to play dodge ball, catch more than you throw. On the third day of college I learned that the Fall Convocation is still boring for as many good things as they say, that the federal government, Federal Reserve, and more specifically President Obama, participate in socialism for the rich, and that sitting on my bed, eating a wrap which has honey mustard dripping out of it, and checking my email at the same time does not work. I'd say its been a pretty good first three days.